After two full weeks of bright sunshine and warm temperatures in the 70's (and sometimes even the 80's!), we're now embracing gloomy, dreary, and cold, rainy days. While it's "time" for the rain, I still miss the warmth of the spring sun.
I'm exhausted and thus will not be here long. The screen is blurry, and I'm tired. Did I mention that I'm ex-haust-ed? lol I've had a couple of long work weeks, with extended days and lots of travel. Along with that, I've been dealing with some worry surrounding my sister's second pregnancy. She certainly did not have an easy pregnancy with Luke, and I think we all knew there was a high chance of a repeat performance with any subsequent pregnancy - but - it's still difficult to deal with in the moment, and it does bring back some difficult memories. She's currently on bed rest, with about a month and a 1/2 to go. The baby could make its entrance into this world at any minute - which is scary given the fact that the baby isn't at 36 weeks yet (which means his lungs aren't fully developed), he's currently underweight for this stage of pregnancy, and he's breach. Amy has been to the hospital on a few separate occasions already, and I'm hoping and praying that this little guy will hang in there long enough to have the most optimal entrance into this world that he possibly can. I mean, yes, he does have an older brother more than eager already to meet him, but hey, said brother also has a lot of patience, so let's milk it some!
So, there's a little explanation of why I've been MIA. I also had my parents and little brother visiting this past weekend, so there was lots of cleaning and preparation for that. It was a good visit, and I always love spending some quality time with my brother. Ha, the little brother who has finally surpassed me in height, much to his delight. It doesn't matter though- he could be twice my height, but he'll always be my little brother. He's growing up into a wonderful young man too. That boy completely amazes me all the time.

I'll post more pictures later this week if I can. I may be a little MIA once again - this weekend I'm heading to Maine to help my sister out for a few days, and then I'm taking Luke back with me to "Aunt Jo's house" for a little while. I'm sure I won't have too much energy left over after dealing with a three-year-old all day, and will probably be crashing into bed shortly after he does each evening.
Wish me luck!
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