Thursday, September 18, 2008


Ahh, I could have died a completely happy woman last night.

My sister had me listen on the phone as she tickled my 4 1/2 month old nephew, Noah, and had him gurgling and squealing. To top it all off though, after a few minutes I could hear my other nephew, Luke, laughing as well. I soon realized that as soon as Noah was laughing, Luke's sweet giggle would follow. Apparently he took over the gentle tickling of his baby brother, and in turn was so tickled himself by his baby brother's laughter. It was so precious to hear the two of them laughing together.


Unknown said...

Isn't that the best sound ever? I could have the crappiest day and the sound of my boys laughter just turns it right around. I love it!

Kimmarie Baker said...

How sweet! Baby's first laughs are the best and then they just get cuter!

Stephanie said...

Hi Jody,

You won the RAK over at The Living Room Floor. Please email me your address at

livingroomfloor {at} gmail . com and I'll get it out to you!

Lorena said...

hey jodi, just wanted to let u know that i recieved ur package of goodies. thanks soo much again!!