Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And the winner is...

*Drumroll please*

As determined by the custom random number generator...#5 is the winning number, which means that lorena you are the winner! Please let me know your mailing address, and I'll get your goodies in the mail to you.

Here's lorena's response to my question about school:

"i have been adjusting with school and work since i havent ever done the two at the same time! it doesnt leave me for any time to exercise and that sucks big time!!! but its going good other than that! Awesome RAK!!"

Thank you to everyone who played along. I hope you all continue to visit me here in blogland!


Lorena said...
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Fantastic Figments said...

Love the little apple charm :). Very nice of you the have the give away :).. The little apple reminds me that the apple orchirds will be open soon and all the wonderful apple wine and such will be up for grabs.. Ahh picture it.. in the orchird on a cool brisk day sipping on sparkling ciders.. Okay enough but that you for allowing me to dream on your blog :)

Steph :)