I've been meaning to do a Back-to-School RAK, and life has gotten in the way of doing it sooner. But, better late than never, right?

See that little apple charm necklace? That's a little sneak peak at what will be offered in my new etsy shop. :)
To be entered to win this rak, leave a comment below and let me know how your kids are adjusting to being back in school, how YOU are adjusting, or if you don't have kids, simply tell me what you enjoy about this time of year.
Good luck! I'll be posting a winner Wednesday morning (9/10)!
I've been adjusting slowly to being back to work, which is back to school for me. The entire atmosphere changes when I students come. It's a lot more hectic than I remember! hehehe
hi there what a lovely cool rak you have,,, well my boy is just one year old so now school for him but he goes to the children day care and he just love it to play and learn from other kids ,,my eyes twinkle every time when i see he has just so much fun there love it love your blog check it out later lvoes karin
Loving your RAK!!My son starts his last year at High School here in the UK so will have exams next year, lots of hard work to come I think.
I teach kindergarten...but not this year! I am a stay at home mommy to baby Jay!
BUT I have a child in middle school and another in fourth grade! They are both starting new schools(as they used to go to the school I teach!) and they are doing FABULOUS! I am so happy for them! I absolutely love your back to school goodies and would consider myself blessed to win them! Thanks for the chance!
i have been udjusting with school and work since i havent ever done the two at the same time! it doesnt leave me for any time to exercise and that sucks big time!!! but its going good other than that! Awesome RAK!!
My kids are to small for school but they go to daycare to days a week. The oldest one, my almost 3 year old boy, likes mit a lot. Het has two best friends there" little thomas and Big thomas, about who he talks every night. So much fun!!! We think and hope our little girl also likes it a lot over there, but since she is only 5 months old it is hard to tell. I think she does, 'cause she has the same sweet nanny my boy had when he was a baby.
bla bla, i just keep on talking. So much for that. Bye, will be back for sure!
My little one is too young for school still but since I work at a school I am back! I am enjoying it but I miss being home everyday with my daughter! Not used to these early mornings yet either!!
Great giveaway and cute necklace! I have 3 daughters: Sara 16 (junior), Victoria is 8 and in 3rd gr. and Emma is 5 and going to school (kindergarten) for the very first time. She was the most excited and is loving it. They are all getting up and ready in time with no fuss so far - Yeah. I asked Emma what am I going to do without her all day and her response to me was... "get a job!" yeah - no kidding. lol Hope all is good with you and yours.
awesome rak and love that apple necklace..so adorable!!
i homeschool so there is a mini adjustment for all of us! but mostly we school all year around and take mini vacations all year! ;-D
I think my son is doing well he is happy to see his friends,learning new things and I'm happy for him too. Love the apple necklace, super cute!
So nice RAK, My little son is adjusting very well, and that makes me feel happy. He talks a lot about school, classmates, subjects, I'm glad for him.
what a great RAK! while i have a 2 year old and i get to spend my days (and nights and weekends...) with him, i have been thinkiing about him going to school a LOT. i dont think i'm adjusting very well to this whole back to school idea. i know that the day will come when he must scurry off and grow beyond me, but i'm very glad that that day hasnt come yet. very glad. which leads me to why i enjoy this time of year. i love being able to hit the mall or the park and there is so much less population hanging out (read: getting in my way) thanks to all the kids returning to school. :)
ps. you have a really neat blog here. i'm glad i stalked you from SIS. now to add you to my blogroll and read feeder doodad!
This is my second favorite season! Love when the leaves start changing colors! Love the cooler temps and leaving the windows open all night! My kids have their own kids now, so back to school doesn't effect me so much. Maybe I should start scrapping my kids school years! I didn't scrap then so I have tons of pics just laying in boxes ready and waiting!
My boys are both in school and I am on the PTO board. I normally would say I love coming home to a quiet, empty house. But, I am rarely home these days! I am now starting a job at their school, so I am "going back to school" too! I love buying school supplies and watching the kids interact on the playground. My youngest is big enough to be on the "big kid" playground and walk himself out to parent pick-up. He loves his new independece and that is fun to watch! Thanks for the link to your blog! Aimee
hey there!! i have a high school student, one who started Kindergarten this year and one who started preschool this year. its a big adjustment for all of us, but i think we are all doing pretty well with it. we are all certainly worn out by the end of the day though. LOL!
that is a generous RAK! Thanks for offering it up! that apple charm is ADORABLE!!! i can't wait to see more in you etsy!! i am headed there right now to save you as a fave!
have a great day!!
Me I am headed back to college after a month break on the 22nd. I love school, i love the atmosphere! :D Its glorious! :D I am nervous though! lol
This is such a cute kit!My boy went back to school 3 weeks ago and he is so happy again.He loveeeees school and really missed all his class mates!
I am ahappy girl too,more free scrapping time :D
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