I am 35 weeks tomorrow. Hubby and I had a tour of the maternity ward of the hospital yesterday. It's all seeming so much more real - scary and exciting all at the same time. I'm still very nervous about delivery, and I think it's a fear of the unknown - not knowing what to expect, what the pain will be, and praying there are no complications for me or baby. Hubby is worried about passing out during delivery and about holding the baby. ;)
I am off to do some packing. In a little over a month we will be closing on our house. Wow! And at anytime, this little bundle of joy growing inside of me could be making her entrance into this world. I definitely need to finish packing my hospital bag, and just trying to be as prepared as I can ahead of time. It's crazy to be having a baby, and closing and moving to a new home at the same time. Somehow, though, it will all work out.
In other news, this little guy is sick. 102.8 fever, ear infection, cold, and conjunctivitis. Poor little guy. I wish I could take it all away for him.
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