Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

It's official. I dislike painting. It makes me nervous and anxious.
And anxious and nervous. Perfectionism is not a good trait to have.


I'm currently in the middle of what seems like a gazillion projects and a very long to-do list. This vacation isn't exactly a vacation.


My darling 5 1/2 month old has learned to shake her head 'no' - I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come from my independent free-spirited daughter.


I keep hearing people comment on the whole Tiger Woods drama. Except apparently I am out of the loop, because I have no idea of the details of said drama.


My cat has been jumping over my lap repeatedly, every few seconds, and I'm not quite sure why.


I am in desperate need of chapstick. Good chapstick.


I keep forgetting to go to the local library and get a library card. I think of it every day when I drive by said library on my way to and from work.


Coffeemate's French Vanilla Creamer tastes delicious, but my stomach hates it, and me for consuming it. Note to self: never consume again.


It's best to clean up after oneself immediately. Otherwise, the house will suffer, and so will you in thinking that you weren't very productive during your vacation.



Staci said...

How funny is it that there are so many of these thoughts that I agree with! Hope all is well with you guys. Can't wait to see some updated pictures....

Amber Filkins said...

Oh my gosh, me too!! I need a good chapstick. My lips are horrible right now. I lick them when I concentrate: clean, decorate, etc. And I've been doing a lot of the above.

Tiger Woods: nasty cheater whose wife took the golf club to his car & him. :)

Can't remember the others, but there were lots I agree with!!

Diana said...

I always seem tired after a vacation, even a little cranky!

I'll take your advice on the knitting and start off small, thanks again!