* the very early birth of my nephew, Noah Austin in early May. I was visiting the family in Maine for a few days, then had plans to bring Noah's big brother, Luke, back to MA to visit at my house. Oh the plans I had for us - the local toy store, playgrounds, Friendly's lunch dates, walking to Dunkin Donuts for strawberry frosted donuts with sprinkles, of course...but I digress. Instead, as if Noah knew I was there, my sister's water broke on the first night I was in Maine. She had a c-section in the early hours of the morning, and while she and baby stayed at the hospital for the week, I had Luke-duty (do you think I minded?) and played taxi cab driver to him and my sister's boyfriend to visit Amy and baby Noah in the hospital. Noah may have been born early, but that little bugga is catching up now. My husband (lovingly, I'm sure) referred to Noah's cheeks on the Christmas card we received of the boys as "jowls."

* the celebration of our 1 year (pirate) wedding anniversary! Yarr! We celebrated by dining at our favorite restaurant, Red Lobster, toasting with yummy Margaritas and enjoying some fabulous seafood. We topped it off with dessert when we returned home. What you ask? Why one-year-old cake of course!!

* the shocking discovery of our pregnancy!! As of today, this last day of 2008, I am officially 4 months along. I'm excited for what's to come in 2009 and meeting this little one!!

Of course, 2008 also came with a lot of stress and heart ache. There were a lot of health issues of loved ones and friends, especially this past month (and also including my own baby-scare issues). But, I realize that with the good comes the bad, and that God only gives us as much as we can handle. And the handling only makes us stronger, and for me, makes my faith stronger.
Ali Edwards is encouraging her readers, as she always does, to select a word to be their word for the year; as Ali says, "The idea behind the one little word concept is to give yourself something to focus on throughout the year." (Go visit Ali's blog for more details).
My word for 2009 is BELIEVE.
I had a difficult time coming up with one word, as so many came to mind. But I chose believe because it reminds me to trust in God's plan for me, and for this baby. Believe in the positive. Believe that things will work out. Believe that anything is possible.
Bring on 2009!!
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