Overall, I think things went well at the appointment today. We had the genetic counseling first, and it was neat to look at the layout of our family tree, or "pedigree" as the geneticist called it. (Makes me think I'm some new dog breed). The main concern was a possible heart defect.
After a quick (and very unappetizing) meal at the Friendly's located inside the hospital building (think rubber chicken) and a quick stop at one of the gift shops, we headed back for our second appointment for the ultrasound. I was very unimpressed by the ultrasound technician. This woman had absolutely no bedside manner and was quite rude (though not rude enough for me to flip off a couple of times behind her back - no, no, not me). She was also extremely rough with the ultrasound wand. I was in some serious pain; I was white-knuckling the sweater that I was holding up.
A doctor looked at the ultrasound pictures and then came in to talk to us. He said everything looked okay nothing wrong with the spine or heart - there was a little extra fluid in one of the baby's brain cavities (the specific name is choroid plexus cyst) and they want to look at it again in a follow-up ultrasound appointment in 4 weeks. Both the doctor at the hospital, as well as my OB's office said this is common and will 99% of the time clear itself up (prayers that it do). I do have placenta previa, though it is partial previa, and the doctors are optimistic that with how early in the pregnancy it is, that the uterus will continue to grow and push the placenta away from the cervix. Here's hoping and praying that this is the case. The previa is the cause for the bleeding, and I'm assuming that until it corrects itself, my OB will have me on continued bed rest. I'd love for it to correct itself for numerous reasons, the obvious being for the health of me and the baby, but also if it doesn't correct itself, I will need to have a c-section delivery (which doesn't really bother me too much, but hey, if I can keep from having major surgery when I deliver, I'm all for that). Also, I'd like to be able to go back to work, keep the income coming in, and keep my job. Of course I'll do what's best for the baby, regardless
The baby is measuring at 18 weeks, which puts my due date to June 14th, instead of the 22nd, which the doctor and nurse were saying last week. The baby is currently about 1/2 a pound and right on target.
So, what you've all been waiting for....

Congratulations! I'm glad to hear that everything is basically OK. :) I will pray that the previa will correct itself quickly.
So... girl names? :D
Congrats! I absolutely love my little girls and I think God gives them to the daddies that need a girls precense the most...lol. I'm sure its a relief to know what is going on too--I hope that it will correct itself! :-)
I'm so happy for you! I had been thinking of you yesterday! I hope everything does correct itself.
So uh, what does Ernie think knowing that in a few months he's going to be wrapped around his daughter's finger? =P
I know I asked before, but since it's official and stuff now, do you have any names yet??
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